Games Listing

23 games found.

Title/Descriptionsort descending Game Type Free? GM? Players Crunch

by Jason Morningstar

A fast-paced, low-prep, highly collaborative game designed for 3-5 players and one or more sessions of play. You will collaboratively create your own prison planet, and then competitively struggle to survive and thrive on it.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story No No 3-5 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Dawn of Worlds
by N. Bob Pesall

A game in which the players portray gods and collaboratively create a fantasy world from scratch: giving you all the tools and advice by which a few ordinary people can set themselves up with ultimate power for an evening, and leave you with a complete, detailed fantasy world. It will, if you make use of it, give you a world with complete landscapes, history, cultures, and characters. And it will be fun, too.

Roleplaying Game Yes No 2+ 1 - Super Easy

Don't Read the Comments
by Matthijs Holter

A game in which you are trapped inside comments from online newspaper discussion threads. You and the others will take turns as game masters, reading out one selected comment on your turn and using it to set the scene and improvise freely around it. The game is not tightly structured, has no dice, and has a lot of room for interpretation. It's meant to be played in maybe half an hour or an hour by a group of friends who like joking around and poking fun at stupidity.

Collaborative Story Yes No 2+ 1 - Super Easy

by Stuart McDermid, Joe Sweeney

A Game of Unwitting Spies Tempted by Easy Money. Deniable is a storygame that takes inspiration from those wickedly satirical British spy dramas, such as Spy, Spooks... or those gritty police series such as Luther and Murphie's law. This is an RPG unlike any you've played before: be prepared to laugh, cry and cause mayhem to your hapless heroes.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story No Yes 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

Dream Askew
by Avery Alder

A game that queers the post-apocalyptic genre, exploring how the apocalyptic process could impact our sexuality, genders, livelihoods, experiences of marginalization, and experiences of liberation.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story, Powered by the Apocalypse Yes No 3-6 3 - Mildly Crunchy

by Epidiah Ravachol

A game that uses a Jenga tower to emulate the rising-collapsing waves of tension in horror films - where usually, one by one, everyone dies. Best with 5 or more players.

Roleplaying Game No Yes 3+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Dresden World
by Delos

A PbtA game based on Jim Butcher's "Dresden Files". Custom playbooks include Changeling, Emissary of the Fae, Mortal, Red Court Infected, True Believer, Werewolf, White Court Vampire and Wizard.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Danger Patrol
by John Harper

A retro sci-fi action/adventure roleplaying game game. The idea is to create the episodes of a 50s-style TV show in the vein of the old Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials (with maybe a dash of the Venture Bros., Star Wars, and Indiana Jones).

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 4 - Moderately Crunchy

Dungeon Squad
by Jason Morningstar

A roleplaying game designed for young players with short attention spans who demand action and fun. There is a lot of die rolling and some amusing shopping and number-crunching. Characters can be generated in 30 seconds.

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

Dungeon World
by Sage LaTorra, Adam Koebel

A roleplaying game in the classic style of Dungeons & Dragons, where elves, dwarves, wizards and hobbits co-exist with humans in a magical world full of monsters and treasures.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse No Yes 2+ 4 - Moderately Crunchy
