Games Listing

93 games found.

Title/Description Game Type Free? GM? Players Crunchsort descending

Pirate Party Flyerbook
by Drak

You want to play a pirate game, but you have no adventure at hand? You only have 2 hours so you don’t want to spend half the time learning rules and creating characters? Then this Flyerbook is for you.

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Magic and Steel
by Roberto Grassi

Based on the "Levity" interactive storytelling and roleplaying framework, "Magic and Steel" blends the action and simplicity of traditional swords-n-sorcery RPGs with the collaborative narrative techniques of modern storygames. You can easily adapt and customize the game for your adventures and setting.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

One Shot World
by Yochai Gal

A hack of Dungeon World that removes most of the long-form mechanics and replaces them with simple rules designed to facilitate one-shots and short campaigns. This initial release is for the beta rules, which are 100% playable.

Included are the core rules, playkit & playbooks, starters and supplements intended to make your one shots shine.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse Yes Yes 2-7 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Star Wreck
by Mike Pohjola

A roleplaying parody of Star Trek, in the spirit of the Star Wreck movies. The characters screw everything up fabulously and grow even more incompetent in the process.

30 pages long, these rules are released under the Creative Commons (Attribution–Non-Commercial–ShareAlike) license.

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

by Chris Wolf

A science fiction roleplaying game about adventurers, outlaws, and guns for hire making their fortune on the rough end of the galaxy. It is designed to be straightforward enough to pick up and be ready to play in just a few minutes as a one-off game, but with enough meat to play a short campaign as well.

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Tides of Gold
by Cass Reyfield

A roleplaying game about a bold crew of adventuring sailors seeking riches amidst the clash of warring trade factions, corrupt marine patrols, and monsters of the deep. There are raids, kidnappings, back-alley deals, marine cults, and above all a cutthroat game of trade to be won—if you're skilled enough to ride the storm.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Bounty Frontier Robot Battle
by Micah Camp

Welcome to space. It’s filled to the brim with Monsters, Moon Gods, and Immortal Space Dogs with Guns. You are a part of the Bounty Frontier and our main base is the Bounty Frontier Headquarters (BFHQ). You’ll know it well. You will be given Tags (or bounties, if you prefer to call them that) to hunt and destroy in order to pay off your student loans from the Frontier Robot Space Academy. While fighting: be smart, be safe, and go all out!

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2-6 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Children of Fire
by Erich Wambach

A roleplaying game that allows players to take on the persona of an angel. These characters will interact with other celestials in Heaven and with the children of clay (humans) on Earth. The game crosses many genres and can accommodate many playing styles.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

A Good Day to Die
by Sean Byram

AGDTD is designed to handle games that are brutal and don’t require a whole lot of crunch to work well. Cyberpunk, horror, sword and sorcery, gothic fantasy, etc., all work great with AGDTD. This game is heavily inspired by Lasers and Feelings by John Harper and Unknown Armies by Greg Stolze and John Tynes.

PWYW at DrivethruRPG.

Roleplaying Game No Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

World Wide Wrestling
by Nathan D. Paoletta

The World Wide Wrestling RPG is a game that creates professional wrestling pageantry and action. You don't need to know much about real–world wrestling in order to play this game well! All you need is an idea for an entertaining character. Wrestling is the drama of personal conflict, exaggerated until it becomes mythic. The game plunges your wrestler into these conflicts, guiding you through the drama as it escalates in more and more crowd–pleasing ways.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse No Yes 3-9 3 - Mildly Crunchy
