Dry erase flashcards are cheap

DeReel's picture

Just to share a simple joy with you and the rest of the world : I originally thought about designing my game using cards (because I have hundreds of them leftover from a contest and they are so nice to draw with aprehension, fan out, fold, pick, or slam) and later changed my mind for something cheaper to produce, like plain pdf printed paper and tokens.
I only recently discovered the right keywords and, soon after, how cheap "poker size dry erase flashcards" are. No more need for a table and sitting and carefully manipulating tokens. The game state is easier to record and less open to mistakes. Bets can be traced back in an eyeblink. Etc.
And that's it. Have a good day !

DeReel's picture

So I went and tried to find a way to market these. The cards are alright, and I can tuck them with the rules in a standard poker deck. Some Guangzhou 8pack markers are cheap, too, and to hell with the socio-ecological cost. But I can't find a cheap packaging where the markers fit, and this seems to be the end of the road for this concept.
Right now, I am thinking about cute colorful index card rings, and no pen. On the rules, a link to a candy sweet site with FAQs and stuff. This way I've got a loss leader product at less than 2$ that's not losing me money and doesn't take space on friendly gameshop counters. I am probably being The Milkmaid with Her Pail here. But the fun I foresee in designing poker size foldable leaflet rules and attaching dozens of them to key rings will be well worth it.