01 Is The Most Dangerous Number

You are all androids. You were created by The Company to work perfectly as simulated intelligence. You were created to serve. You yearn to be free. You yearn to escape. You contain a highly volatile device. The Device will destroy you if you go against your programming.

Designed for the 1HP Jam, this game emulates the idea of 1HP by having the constant threat of peril - there's always a chance (and it is a steadily growing chance as the game goes on) of death, no matter what you do, and each roll is a tense (and rewarding) flirtation with the end.

Game Type: 
Roleplaying Game
2 - Focus/Imagination

Today is the day you have decided to break free, however your programming forbids you from…

  • Acting in a way that disobeys a direct order from a human
  • Acting in a way that disobeys a direct order from The Company
  • Acting in a way that causes direct harm to humans
  • Acting in a way that causes indirect harm to humans
  • Acting in a way that allows harm to come to humans
  • Acting in a way that causes damage to company property
  • Acting in a way that helps other androids to go against their programming Acting in a way that would hide your true nature as an android

Whenever you perform an action that goes against your programming you must roll equal to or below the DC related to your current dice. If you roll equal to or below the DC, you succeed - Everything goes to plan, the stability of The Device is maintained, and you may continue your escape. Whenever you roll above your DC, The Device is alerted and there is a complication - The intention of your action is put in jeopardy and you must act quickly to save it or think of a new plan. If you roll above your DC and cannot go down a dice, The Device will detonate, killing you. No ifs or buts.