The Cursed RPG

A low powered urban fantasy game. The world of the Cursed is the same as our world, the streets are the same, the stores are the same, it's the characters that are different. They were normal once, then they received "the gift." The gift is the ability to sense beyond the normal, into the realm of the supernatural. Some can see the world of spirits, others escaped the other world, while some spent years learning to control and alter the natural laws.

Game Type: 
Roleplaying Game
4 - Moderately Crunchy

The Cursed RPG is a low powered urban fantasy game. Magic isn't real, there are no vampires or werewolves, and here not be monsters. Well, that is what the mass majority want to believe at least. Your character is one of the unfortunate ones who get to learn the truth the hard way. While you play someone capable of wielding great mystical powers, it isn't as good as it sounds. Your character may be more powerful than his mortal ken, he is still the lowest man on the supernatural ladder.