Games Listing

48 games found.

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Twenty-Four Game Poems
by Marc Majcher

A "game poem", or "role-playing poem" is a little game that you can pick up and play in fifteen minutes or so. There's no preparation time, nothing to get between you and immediate fun. Game poems usually address some specific mood or emotion, or focus on one particular theme. First and foremost, a game poem is just there to be taken in and experienced with a friend or group of friends for a few moments, and hopefully, something small and wonderful will happen in the process.

Collaborative Story Yes No 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Deep Forest
by Mark Diaz Truman, Avery Alder

For a long time, our monstrous home was occupied by invading humans. Now, finally, we’ve driven them off, and we’re left with this: a year of relative peace. One quiet year, with which to dismantle their settlements and reclaim our lands. Come Winter, a band of heroes will arrive and we might not survive the encounter. This is when the game will end. But we don’t know about that yet.

Collaborative Story Yes No 2-4 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Mind of Margaret
by Drew Besse

In the Mind of Margaret you’ll explore the life of a single person through the various emotions that make up their personality. Think the 90s sitcom "Herman’s Head" or the Disney/Pixar film "Inside Out". During the game you’ll establish various dilemmas for this person, explore their internal psyche as it tries to decide how to respond in order to achieve their goals, and observe how the results of that response further affects the person and their psyche.

Collaborative Story Yes No 3-5 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Witch is Dead
by Grant Howitt

Once upon a time (as they say), there was a kind and wise and beautiful witch who lived in the forest with her familiars and her life was peaceful and happy until a FUCKING WITCH-HUNTER broke into her cottage and dragged her out and FUCKING MURDERED HER and now she's DEAD.

But if you get revenge and kill him and get his EYES to her corpse within a week she'll come back to life. Or so you've heard.

Oh, one more thing: You are a cute woodland animal.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story Yes Yes 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Enclave
by Mark Silcox

A collaborative Storygame. Over the course of an hour or two, you and your friends will construct a narrative about a Community of heroic (or delusional) isolationists, who construct for themselves an entrenched bastion against (what they perceive to be) the hostile forces of the outer world.

Collaborative Story No No 2-5 2 - Focus/Imagination

by Alto Dizi

A one-page "superlite" solo microRPG that replicates the kind of horror movie where an ensemble cast of skilled but flawed people are trapped in a dark place with a terrifying threat waiting to snatch them at any moment. There’s plenty of intrigue, dark secrets, and broken relationships to keep things interesting. It’s fast, cyclic, and incredibly lethal; your pool of actors essentially serves as hit points. So don’t get too attached!

Powered by the Apocalypse Yes No 1 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Posthuman Doorways
by Jason Pitre

Homo sapiens sapiens is evolving. Genetic engineering allow us to gain new traits and adapt to local conditions at startling speed. Cybernetic technologies allow us to enhance our senses or replace limbs, giving us inhuman capabilities.

● How will our new Transhuman natures transform the world?
● What will the future society look like?
● What will we lose in the process?

Collaborative Story Yes No 3-5 2 - Focus/Imagination

There and Back Again
by Ray Otus

You are an adventurer in the world of The Hobbit. Specifically the world as it appeared in the 1937 edition of that book. Anyone can be a wizard with the right knowledge, trolls turn to stone in the sunlight, animals or magical objects can speak, elves aren't always nice, and the wild is full of terrible creatures like goblins, giant spiders, and even dragons!

I offer that the central themes of The Hobbit are:
1. Treasure hunting
2. Journeys
3. Singing

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Great Tournament
by Colin Fredericks

A tiny, folded storytelling game. You portray a martial artist come to compete in the greatest tournament ever held. But what are your real goals? Not everyone is simply here to win! Pull up a seat at the breakfast table and find out what your fellow martial artists are really competing for. Honor? Respect? Revenge? You'll find out soon enough, grasshopper.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story Yes No 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

The Quiet Year
by Avery Mcdaldno

A community map-making game in which the group builds a community over the course of a fictional year. The game is played in turns representing one week of time, with standard playing cards triggering events, troubles, setbacks or discoveries. Players work together to build a map, gather resources, and to resolve whatever problems may arise.

Collaborative Story No No 2-4 2 - Focus/Imagination
