Games Listing

15 games found.

Title/Description Game Type Free? GM? Players Crunch

Clown Helsing
by Jake Zhong

Clowns. We've all seen them... riding their unicycles, blowing up balloons at kid's parties, piling in garish hordes from tiny cars, waddling around in bulbous red shoes, passed out in a dumpster stinking of booze and regret. For what do these martyrs of mirth sacrifice themselves? The answer is they do it for us. Not just to fill our need for laughter and merriment, but because they defy the doom of mankind! Clowns are man's only salvation against… Vampires.

Roleplaying Game No Yes 2+ 1 - Super Easy

Coming of Age
by Mendel Schmiedekamp

An uplifting game where you play people who are learning their potential and dealing with their issues in the midst of trouble. Create your own setting or use a setting sheet: Space Police Cadets, Squires of Sword and Sorcery, Scions of the Superspy. And yes, Coming of Age can be played solitaire.

Roleplaying Game Yes No 1-6 2 - Focus/Imagination

by Matthijs Holter

A short freestyle game in which two participants play human commuters on a bus or train, while two others play their dreams.

Roleplaying Game Yes No 4 1 - Super Easy

by Jeremy Tidwell

A roleplaying game in which players protray the Companions of Doctor Who.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

Conquer the Horizon
by Josh Roby

Conquer the Horizon is a game in which players take on the roles of an expeditionary mission from the Old World, exploring the unknown wilds of the New World. The players collaboratively create the New World while simultaneously competing to fulfill their own agendas.

Roleplaying Game, Collaborative Story Yes No 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

by Jacob B., Eric W.

A roleplaying game about spiritual quests for ancient knowledge in the modern world, a game of dark themes, urban mages, and what it means to be a Mage in the modern world.

Roleplaying Game, Powered by the Apocalypse Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

by Chris Adams, Dave Fooden, Barbara Manui

A roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of common folk throughout history who have been invited to become another order of being - people who can travel through time at will. They are called "Spanners", and they bear the responsibility of holding the universe together by defeating paradoxes and time-traveling Narcissists.

Roleplaying Game No Yes 2+ 5 - Highly Crunchy

Contractually Obligated to be EXTREME
by Alexander Sprague, Jessica Geyer

An Action Hero RPG with rules in the format of a Hollywood Screenplay. Vie for top billing in your own action movie!

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 3+ 2 - Focus/Imagination

by Tod Foley

CORE is a hybrid RPG SRD: it uses trad concepts & narrativist techniques to produce character-driven emergent story. The design focus on simplicity, speed, and improvisation. Everything is on the same scale. All actions use a single Yes/No/And/But mechanic. Results are narratively interpreted. And it was built to be hacked.

Roleplaying Game Yes Yes 2+ 3 - Mildly Crunchy

by Matt Machell

An apocalypse that never arrived. An ancient secret society in turmoil. Your loyalties are divided. Your beliefs are in doubt. Do you stand with a shattered sect, or let it fall into chaos?

Collaborative Story No Yes 2+ 2 - Focus/Imagination
